As a web developer, keeping your skills sharp is critical given how quickly technology evolves. Many will improve their craft by utilizing courses, digital books, and YouTube channels.
There’s another free resource that enables you to keep your skills fresh by staying on top of trends and industry news – listening to web development podcasts. It’s the most portable and easiest way to consume content and to further your expertise.
Below is a list of 13 best podcasts for you to learn web development, regardless if you’re a beginner or advanced developer.
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The freeCodeCamp podcast is the official podcast of the freeCodeCamp open source community where people learn to code with free online courses, programming projects, and interview preparation for developer jobs.
With 25 episodes so far since launching November 2017, you can subscribe to their podcast via iTunes, Google Play, RSS, or listen directly on their podcast website. New episodes are released ever Monday. Their most popular one to date challenges the myth that you may be too old to learn how to code as 56 year old VM Vaughn's shares his epic beat-down of his critical inner self and lays out his path towards an exciting second career as a developer.
The Learn to Code With Me podcast, created by Laurence Bradford, is for aspiring techies and self-taught coders looking to transition into the tech industry. The podcast was created to help others on their coding journey. Unlike many other podcasts, the Learn to Code With Me podcast follows a seasons format, similar to TV shows, where each season has a theme and a break in between seasons.
With four seasons so far, each episode follows an interview-based format and runs between 25-35 minutes in length. New episodes are released every Tuesday at 7:00 AM Eastern Time. You can listen to the podcast across several platforms like iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher, or directly on her website. Check out the most popular episode so far which is about when to start monetizing your coding skills:
The official Vue.js News Podcast, produced by Gregg Pollack and Adam Jahr of Vue Mastery, covers the latest news and tutorials in the Vue.js community in just 5 minutes, with the goal of making you a more successful developer. Each podcast episode is released every Tuesday and is based on the official Vue Newsletter.
If you’re a Vue developer or even thinking about learning Vue.js, consider subscribing to the podcast via iTunes, Android, Stitcher, or RSS Feed. Check out their most popular episode so far where they discuss the future of Vue.js and more!
On the podcast Syntax, full stack developers, Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski, dive deep into web development topics, explaining how they work and talking about their own experiences. They cover JavaScript frameworks like React to the latest advancements in CSS to simplifying web tooling. Also, they enjoy breaking down complex topics and making them easy to understand.
New episodes are released every Wednesday and can be played via iTunes, Overcast, Stitcher, PocketCasts, Google Play, and RSS. Check out their most popular episode so far where they discuss preventing and dealing with burnout in web development:
The JavaScript Jabber podcast, produced by, is a weekly discussion about JavaScript on the frontend and backend. The show also discusses programming practices, coding environments, and the communities related to the technology.
With 308 published episodes, you can subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher, or RSS. Listen to their most popular episode so far where they discuss D3.js with Ben Clinkinbeard.
The Shop Talk Show is a podcast about front end web design, development and UX. Each week Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert are joined by a special guest to talk shop and answer listener submitted questions. With 306 published episodes, you can subscribe via iTunes, Stitcher, or RSS. Their most popular one so far is their discussion about learning CSS.
The Software Engineering Daily podcast features daily interviews about technical software topics. After every episode, you should feel like you are 1% better at understanding how software works. With over 100 episodes, you can subscribe to their podcast via RSS, iTunes, Android, and Stitcher.
Their most popular episode so far is their interview with Erik St. Martin as they discuss the programming language Go, the use of Kubernetes, and organizing Gophercon, a popular conference for Go programmers.
On The Changelog podcast, hosts Adam Stacoviak and Jerod Santo face their imposter syndrome so you don’t have to. They do in-depth interviews with the best and brightest software engineers, hackers, leaders, and innovators of open source.
This is a polyglot podcast. All programming languages, platforms, and communities are discussed. Since open source moves fast, keep up by listening to The Changelog.
With 292 episodes, you can subscribe via iTunes, Overcast, Android, Stitcher, and RSS. Their most popular episode so far is with their guest Philipp Krenn to talk about Elasticsearch, the problem it solves, where it came from, and where it's at today.
The Front End Happy Hour podcast features panelists of engineers from Netflix, Evernote & LinkedIn talking over drinks about all things Front End development. New episodes are released every other Sunday.
With 54 episodes published, you can subscribe to their podcast via iTunes, SoundCloud, or Stitcher. Their most popular episode so far is about the state of web development and their opinions of certain frontend tools.
Hosted by Jen Simmons, The Web Ahead podcast is your shortcut to keeping up as they have conversations with world experts on changing technologies and future of the web. With 117 episodes and 3.1 million downloads, you can subscribe to their podcast in several ways, including iTunes, PocketCasts, Stitcher, and RSS.
New episodes are released once or twice a month. Listen to their most popular episode where their guest, Eva Ferreira, discusses how to transform web pages into any shape you want with CSS:
The Start Here Web Development Podcast is hosted by Dain Miller where he shares his industry experience, insight, and resources to help get you from knowing nothing to becoming a full-time web developer. With 46 episodes released, you can subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher, or RSS Feed. Their most popular one so far is about how to build a career in web development.
The La Vie en Code podcast, created by Nicole Archambault, is for self-taught web development students, with a spotlight on underrepresented groups. The podcast features weekly solo and guest discussions surrounding issues facing self-taught web developers, learning how to learn, educational technology, and much more.
Each episode is released every Tuesday at 9am EST and is now available on iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, and Stitcher! Check out the most popular episode so far where Nicole shares her own journey of becoming a self-taught web developer:
Bonus #1: Programming Podcasts
The ultimate podcast directory for software developers, the Programming Podcasts features the best podcasts about software development and topics like web development, devops, design, startups and more.

With over 32,914 hours of content in 28,621 episodes from 219 podcasts, you can always find something new to learn or a new podcast to discover.
If you’re not sure what to listen to or you’re looking for something specific, you can browse their 13 technical categories or choose from their 21 technical topics. Their directory also accepts podcast submissions.
Bonus #2: Agency Highway
Looking to grow your digital agency? Check out Agency Highway which helps agencies who want to grow, earn more and work less. On the podcast, you'll Find the best tools, courses, and resources to grow an amazing digital agency. For example, they offer a list of the best podcasts for creative and digital agencies.
Bonus #3: Invent With Code Podcast
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